Be A Tree! by Maria Gianferrari, illustrated by Felicita Sala

 Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This is such a beautiful picture book with a beautiful message. It encourages kids to be a tree by standing tall, helping others, and working together. I love the symbolism Maria Gianferrari brings in, though young kids may not quite understand it until they are older.

The end of the book includes an author's note about her love for trees and how she learned that trees can be "like family members" in that they help "protect and care for each other." She also encourages the reader to care for trees and the earth.

She lists ways kids can help save trees and help in their community and gives a visual description of the different parts of the tree and provides information about potential resources to learn more.

This book is a great way to start a conversation with young children about community, being strong, and helping each other while also learning about the enivornment and especially trees. It's fantastic.

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