About Me

Hi! I'm Jenn. And I have a book obsession that I have apparently passed on to my children. Part of our nightly routine is them begging to "read one more chapter" before I turn out the lights.

When they were little, I knew everything they were reading because I read to them. Now they pick out their own books and I don't like the feeling of not really knowing what they're reading. So, I've started checking out the audiobook versions of their books from the library and listening to them while I'm running errands, driving, or doing household chores. 

Without fail, I'd finish a book and immediately text my friend to tell her all about it and recommend it for her own kids. After a few times of doing so, I figured there must be other parents out there who also want to know what their kids are reading and what they should suggest next. So, I started this blog.

Here you'll find my thoughts on mostly middle-grade books and will probably advance to young adult as my children grow up. Occasionally, I might write about books for younger children, but I'm mostly focused on books most parents won't be reading to or with their kids.

Is there a book you'd like to know more about? Shoot me a DM on Instagram or fill out the contact form in the menu sidebar! I'll see if I can add it to our long list of books to be read.


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